Suffer The Little Children

Suffer The Little Children

Jesus Christ said that because the Kingdom of God belongs to them. This just means that never hinder them to come unto God and for the most time to enjoy playground accessories and swing set equipment. That is right, parents. There are things that parents do which may affect a child’s emotion. Worse, your children might build up hatred against you. Here are some of the things that you should consider before sentencing your children for something you will only regret.

Since we are talking about unfairness, think about being overprotective. Look moms and dads, your small kids need the outdoors. We can understand if we look after them when they check out swing set accessories, but supra-supervision of what they are doing? That is not healthy. We even tend to advise them to stay at home so our eyes will be locked on them. The family is an institution never to be compared to Alcatraz. Let them be free for some time. They want to know how to construct the playground equipment? Let them discover it. Cuts and wounds will make your sons and daughters learn. Don’t imprison them from the world. let them experience reality through proper guidance and not explicit censorship.

Here’s another unfair concept. You issue a command to your kids without any explanation. That is just too rude and it shows irrationality. We all have sets of rules and those vary from one household to another. Don’t tell them not to touch your residential playground equipment just because you said so. It’s too fascist and dictatorial. Instead, tell them why you have sets of rules which are needed to be followed as long as they are under your roof. Get over the superiority complex. Without explanations, you are only raising puppets who half-witted and spoon fed.

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In connection with your rules, please follow them as an example. Mentoring means a lot in determining the personality of your kids. If you think your kid needs to be disciplined the way soldiers do, then wake up at 5 A.M in the morning yourself. Do things together with your kids and then, let them decide if they want to be a disciplined General someday or an organized nuclear scientist.

One of the most important things that we parents need to give our kids is attention. They want it when they won a prize or have good grades. With attention, we are guided by their gestures and language as they mature. Through attention, we continuously give in to the process of knowing our children without imposing irrational on them. Through attention, we see if our rules apply constructively or only create havoc on our kids’ minds.

Lastly, do you have financial problems? An extramarital affair, maybe? Whatever problems that you have, deal with them with maturely and professionally. Who’s not having problems with money, mortgage, or tax anyway? Your kids must understand your problems in a way that they will have smooth transitions in between adjustments. You know what happens to a kid with a broke father spending his remaining dollar for tequila while beating her wife to death, right? C’mon. Grow up and live the life that your kids need from you whether you are rich or poor.